
One of our defining missions is to meet the needs of those aging out of the foster care system. 50 percent of foster kids who age out will find themselves unemployed by 24.

We desire to come alongside of them with support, helping them find community and purpose. Neighbors will offer apprenticeships to those interested in learning: craft coffee, customer service, shop maintenance, good business practices, and the value of people over profit. Our aim is to build them up and eventually launch them out with a strong foundation.

This pathway will include interview guidance, resume building, communication coaching and more. All while creating a safe space for learning, growing and friendship.

  • Those who are interested in being an apprentice will fill out an online form. A manager will reach out and arrange a time to connect. (Form coming soon!)

  • A manager will create a schedule and a personalized work plan based off the interests of the apprentice.

  • Neighbors will pay minimum wage for the duration of the apprenticeship. This time will include periodic performance reviews and check-ins.

  • After 6 months, a manager will evaluate the apprentices plan. Based on the personal goals of the apprentice and the needs of the shop, we will determine continued employment at neighbors coffee or launch them out to a desired career field.